Color coding uses green (good: agrees with LifePac's position), and red (bad: opposed to LifePac's position). Gray means issue is not assessed or candidate's position is unclear. Coding applies only to the information presented, and does not indicate support or opposition from LifePac unless explicitly stated. * = Incumbent or a rating with qualifications
1619 = 1619 Project
Ab = Abortion
AC = Artificial
AIM = Abortion Insurance Mandate, Ref 2 CC = Conscience Clauses CEL = Consistent Ethic of Life CG = Common Good COL = Culture of Life CP = Capital Punishment CPr = Civic Prayer CPC = Comm Preg Centers CRT = Critical Race Theory CSE = Comprehensive Sex Ed DQ = Drag Queen Library Story Hours DD = Drug Decriminalization EC = Emergency Contraception EI = Election Integrity EL = Emily's List ERW = Equal Rights WA Eq = Equity ESC = Embryonic Stem Cells FI = Family Involvement FPIWA = Family Policy Institute of Washington Action Endorsed
FSE = Flash
Sex Ed
GF = Government Form GI = Gender Ideology H = Homelessness HC = Human Cloning HLA = Human Life Amendment HLP = Human Life PAC HI = Health Insurance I/R = Immigration/Refugees IVF = In-vitro Fertilization
MSR = Mainstream
N = Naral NRTL = National Right to Life NWPC = National Women's Political Caucus P = Poverty PAS = Physician Assisted Suicide PBA = Partial Birth Abortion PD = Public Decency PI = Parental Involvement
PM = Progressive
PN = Parental Notification of Abortion PP = Planned Parenthood PR = Parental Rights PS = Public Safety RCV = Ranked Choice Voting R/I = Rape / Incest Exception RA = Religious Affiliation
RF = Religious Freedom
RM = Recreational Marijuana RvW = Roe v. Wade Reversal SM = Sexual Morality SCh = School Choice SCl = School Clinics SE = Sex Ed SLS = Schools SB = Sex-Oriented Business TFA = Taxpayer Funding of Abortion TG = Trangenerism UR = Ultrasounds Required UVV = Unborn Victims of Violence W = Winner WEA = Washington Education Association WSPC = Washington State Progressive Caucus |