Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington

Election Fraud Explanations And Resources
Lincoln: “Elections belong to the people. It's their decision.
If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds,
Then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

Art of the Steal Here Is The Election Integrity Network
The Gateway Pundit Cody Hart WA Reports
Clark Co (WA) Election Integrity MI Citizens For Election Integrity
Election Legislation Page True The Vote Cast Vote Records Deep Capture (P. Byrne) Clark Co Awoken Patriots
We Are WA State Bill Burch Substack
Who Counts The Votes (WA) Skagit Co Election Integrity  


Below are links to news articles, videos and film documentaries:

20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators
that do not exist, Revolver News, 6/17/2024

GA Election Board Confirms Over 300K Ballot Images From 2020 Election
Are MISSING From Fulton County, Liberty Daily, 5/7/24, Video 2 minutes

Fulton County (GA) Elections Board Supervisor Voted Against
Certifying 2020 Election Because Signature Verifications
Were NOT Performed on 147,000 Ballots! (VIDEO), GP 4/2/2024

Barry County Sheriff Sends Evidence to Rep. Jim Jordan Alleging Foreign Interference
in Voting Machines Across the State During 2020 Election —
Demands an Immediate Review and Investigation, GP, Mar. 19, 2024

How West Virginia’s Mac Warner Is Fighting The ‘Worst Election Interference’
In U.S. History, The Federalist, 3/12/2024

President Trump Truths Out Summary Report on *All Swing States* From 2020 Election
– Here are the Georgia Highlights, GP 1/2/2024

Video Shows 386,151 Votes REMOVED from GOP Supreme Court Candidate’s Totals
in PA Where She Ended Up Losing by 207,237 (Video), GP, Nov 16, 2023

Wisconsin Is Working to Fix the 2020 Election Fraud to Avoid a Repeat in 2024, GP, Oct. 31, 2023

King County [WA] Elections Redacted, Bill Bruch, Oct 4, 2023

Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless”
 – Will Start Sharing Evidence, GP, Sep. 24, 2023

Here's the 2020 Voter Fraud Video That Must Be Watched and Widely Shared, Liberty Daily, 8/26/23

Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan – Police Find: TENS OF THOUSANDS
of Fake Registrations, Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones,
and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States, GP 8/8/23

Forensic Study Into 2020 Detroit, Michigan Election Finds Up to 34,000 Illegal Ballots – And Additional Warnings from
Detroit Clerks that THOUSANDS of Absentee Paper Was Different than Normal Ballots, GP, Jul. 31, 2023

Washington State Election Fake "Recounts" That Are Not Recounts, Bill Bruch, June 26, 2023

Washington State Smurfing Data,, June 2023

Halderman Report Released in Georgia – Confirms VOTES CAN BE ALTERED
 Through Defective Dominion Voting Machines – Raffensperger Hid This From Public
 – Garland Favorito Weighs In, GP, June 15, 2023

WEiCU vs King County Elections, part 1 the real legal system on display,
the war for election integrity, and a MUCH NEEDED VICTORY! June 2, 2023

Kari Lake Attorney Files Lawsuit Against Runbeck and Maricopa County
for Denying Legal Public Records Request Which Could Prove Claim of 35,563 Ballots
Were Injected Into 2022 Election – FILING INCLUDED, GP, 5/10/23

Rasmussen Poll Reveals a Majority of Americans (60%) Believe
that Recent Elections Were Affected by Cheating, GWP, Apr. 21, 2023

Exposed: Rico Election Crimes In Washington State Part 1, Part 2
Bill Bruch, 3/20 and 3/30 of 2023

ELECTION SYSTEM DISCOVERED – Used in MULTIPLE States – Internet Connected,
Uncertified, and Accessible to Numerous Govt Agencies and Outside Entities, GP 3/23/23

Voter Rolls: TGP's Jim Hoft Interviews Jay Valentine from Omega4America, 3/6/2023

Expert Witness Reveals Installed AZ Governor Katie Hobbs
Laundered Cartel Money Through Fake Deeds and Mortgages
to Rig Elections . . . Including Her Own, Liberty Daily Feb 24, 2023

Arizona Senate Elections Committee Passes Resolution To Ban Foreign Voting Machines and Require Source Code,
 Ballot Images, Chain of Custody Documents, and Log Files To Be Made Public, GP, Feb 14, 2023

Judge Peter Thompson Rules Elections with Broken Machines in 60% of Precincts
And No Chain of Custody for Ballots Are Free, Fair and Certifiable, GP, Dec 25, 2022

MORE ARIZONA FRAUD: Maricopa County Whistleblowers Reveal
Tens If Not HUNDREDS Of Thousands Of Ballots With Mismatched Signatures
Were Illegally Counted In Violation Of Arizona Law – Election Decided By 17,177 Votes
GP, Dec 13, 2022

Elections Were Stolen: Do NOT Let Them Gaslight
You Into Thinking Otherwise, JK Rucker, 11/15/22

IMPOSSIBLE: Despite Only 17% Democrat Turnout on Election Day –
Katie Hobbs and Democrats Are Winning Over 50% of
Maricopa County Election Day Totals, GP, 11/13/2022

A Democrat Miracle: GOP Wins Midterm Elections in Massive Blow-Out
but Loses Every Single Toss-Up Seat Except One –
Check Out Comparison to 2010 Results, GP, 11/12/22

Clark County Elections: An in-depth view of the elections process, YouTube, Oct 2022

Pennsylvania Democrat Officials Mailed Out 240,000 Ballots
to Unverified Voters! GP, October 26, 2022

Dominion Voting Systems CEO Caught in Major Lie on ’60 Minutes’
on His Voting Machine Capabilities, GP, October 23, 2022 

Elections Integrity Symposium, Oregon City, Justice League of Oregon, September 24th, 2022 

“Bill Barr is a Stone-Cold Liar! I Said this from the Beginning. There was No Report Done!”
– Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr with Author Leah Hoopes (VIDEO), GP, Sept 24, 2022

FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud
After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claims (VIDEO) GP, Sept 22, 2022

Forensics Expert from AZ Audit: Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania Had at Least 10,000
Anomalous Ballots, GP, September 19, 2022

Auditor Candidate Brett Simpson at
Clark County Republican Women Forum, 9/9/2022

Also: Clark County Today Article, 9/10/22

Clark Co. Patriots United Election Integrity And Transparency Event, 9/8/2022
Speaker Videos:
Glen Morgan  Seth Keshel   Dr. Doug Frank

SHOCKING VIDEO! Via MC4EI and Gateway Pundit —
13 Minutes of Never-Before-Seen Footage of Ballot Trafficking
in Detroit, Michigan – Including Postal Workers!, GP Sept 6, 2022

Selection Code Election Fraud Film (Free), Aug 2022
Also: The Three Mesa County Voting Systems Forensic Examination
and Analysis Reports (Sept 2021 to March 2022): 1
2 3

Recently Uncovered Information Indicates Maricopa Audit Omitted the Biggest Issue
Proving the 2020 Results Never Should Have Been Certified, GP, Aug 26, 2022

There's So Much Election Fraud Evidence It's Hard To Keep Up!
Emerald Robinson, Aug 15, 2022

Election Hack Identified that Can Instantaneously Swap Votes on a Ballot
Before It Is Even Stored GP, Aug 15, 2022

Michigan News Channel Posts Results to Republican Primary Election —
That’s Not Until Next Week!!, GP, Jul 24, 2022

Data Supporting the Reported Results of the 2020 Election Does NOT Reconcile with Data
in Voting Machine Files – Something Is Very Wrong, GP, July 15, 2022

Tina Peters Challenges Colorado’s Unbelievable GOP SoS Primary Election Results
 — Where No-Name Zuckerberg CTCL Candidate Came Out of Nowhere,
Made Up 35% Vote Deficit, and Won Primary, GP 7/13/22

Jovan Pulitzer’s BOMBSHELL Paper Analysis Report 6/27/22. Jovan's 45 minute video report begins at 1:12:30

2000 mules a documentary covering true the vote’s video evidence of a coordinated,
funded, illegal ballot trafficking network across critical swing states, Skagit Co Republicans, Apr 21, 2022

Voter Integrity Group Concludes Up to 4.8 Million Ballots Cast Illegally
in 2020 Harvesting Scheme, Western Journal, Apr 13, 2022

2000 Mules: Dinesh D'Souza's Film On 2020 Election Fraud, Premiers May 2nd, 2022

20 episodes exposing fraud, illegalities and irregularities in 2020 election, Just The News, Mar 9, 2022

Wisconsin Investigator Calls for DECERTIFICATION of 2020 Election!!!, Dr. Steve Turley, Mar 8, 2022

'Widespread election fraud' revealed in report, WND Mar 3, 2022

10 Ways the 2020 Presidential Election Was Obviously Stolen
That Were Ignored by Media, Gateway Pundit, Feb 7, 2022

Understanding Election Shenanigans And The Legislative Mess We Are In, Dec 29, 2021

GWP: Lawsuit Reveals Fulton County 2020 Absentee Ballot Results
Were Physically Impossible and Files Were Modified, Dec 23, 2021

Issues and Evidence of Election Fraud from November 2020 Never Investigated and Questions Still Unanswered, Dec 12, 21

Jovan Pulitzer Releases Video Describing 300,000 14th Amendment Violations
in Maricopa County, December 8, 2021

The Deep Rig Movie, 2021

Mike Lindell's Election Lawsuit, Nov. 26, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer Asks: Why in Virtually Every Single Batch of Ballots
Cast in Arizona in 2020 Election Was it Human or AI Modified?, November 26, 2021

Post Millennial: Votes to count even if they are mailed in on napkins in Washington state, Nov 15, 2021 
GWP: Washington State Election Official Caught on Video – Says Writing a Name on a Napkin
Can Count as a Ballot, November 17, 2021

GWP: AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “Arizona’s 2020 Forensic Election Senate Audit,
What You Haven’t Heard, And Much, Much More!” November 12, 2021

GWP: President Trump Asks Why Georgia’s Leaders Allow and Do Nothing About News
That 74 Counties in Georgia Are Missing Legally Required Images from 2020 Election, Nov 10, 2021

Spokesman Review: Wyman to resign as Secretary of State
To assume election security lead in Biden Administration, Oct 26, 2021

GWP: Wisconsin Senate Finally Decides to Request Investigation into 2020 Election –
Will They Finally Look Into Milwaukee?, October 26, 2021

Jovan Pulitzer Explains the 284,000 Maricopa County Ballot Images Missing, October 11, 2021

Clark Co Lawsuit: Washington Election Integrity Coalition United et al v. Kimsey et al, 10/7/21
The Lawsuit Text   PACER Court Docs, Case: 3:2021cv05746

GWP: Professor David Clements - AZ Audit Report: “What I’m Hearing Is An Element Of Duress”, Oct 3, 2021

GWP: AZ Audit Volunteers Reveal Findings - DISTURBING Elections Irregularities Discovered, Sept 30, 2021

Steve Turley: AZ AUDIT! Calls for ARRESTS and DECERTIFICATION Surge, Sep 29, 2021

National File: ARIZONA AUDIT: Voters ‘With No Record’ Of Their Existence In Database Far Outnumber Biden’s Lead, Sept 28, 2021

Steve Turley: Why the AZ AUDIT Changes EVERYTHING, Sept 27, 2021 

GWP: AZ Audit Could Not Find the Identity of 86,391 Voters, Sept 27, 2021 

Lawsuits claiming 2020 ballots were manipulated come to WA, September 21, 2021

Election Fraud at a Glance: Historical County Analysis with Registration Data , Sept 2021 On Arizona Audit, Sept 2021

CodeMonkeyZ Provided Arizona Audit Summary (PDF), Sept 27, 2021

Arizona Audit Report Conservative Commentaries

Skagit County Election Integrity Public Hearing, Aug 29, 2021

Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium, Aug 10 - 12, 2021

GWP: Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers:
Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN, Aug 2, 2021

Rumble Video

GWP: Gen. Flynn Exclusive: 10 Indisputable Facts on the 2020 Election
That Argue for Audits, July 31, 2021 

Professor's Record: Pennsylvania Election Audit Debrief: Captain Seth Keshel, July 26, 2021

Professor's Record: Michigan Election Audit Debrief: Captain Seth Keshel, July 26, 2021

Turning Point Trump Speech Election Comments, 7/24/21

GWP: The Election in Washington State May Have Been Illegal if Machines
Used Were Not Properly Certified – Same Likely Occurred in Other States (VIDEO) 7/8/21

Maricopa County Forensic Audit Twitter

Dr. Douglas Frank Interview: See time mark 9:30+ for Washington State analysis Election Integrity Report

Mike Lindell's Absolute Interference

Heritage Foundation Interviews Sen Rand Paul, 4/13/21

GWP: Attorney Matthew DePerno First Interview
After Court Hearing on Antrim County Case, 4/13/21

Professor's Record (David Clements) Interviews
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, 4/9/21

Steve Bannon Interviews Mike Lindell, 4/9/21

Mike Lindell Interviews Dr. Douglas Frank, 3/31/21

Companies Opposing Election Integrity Laws, Link 2, Link 3 Link 4, Link 5

Dinesh D'Souza Interview with Sidney Powell, April 3, 2021

In Cities Across the US, Like Everett, Washington,
Free and Fair Elections Are Becoming a Thing of the Past

GWP: NEVER EXPLAINED - NINE TIMES on 2020 Election Night
On Live TV a Total of Nearly 400,000 Votes
Disappeared From President Trump’s Column

 GWP: The Five Most Significant Methods Used
To Steal the 2020 Election from Donald Trump

Regence University Conference, 3/23/21
Analyzing American Election Integrity

GWP: Democrats Were ONLY Able to “Win” in 2020
By Breaking Chain of Custody Laws in EVERY SWING STATE

GWP: Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election

Mike Lindell's "Absolute Proof" Documentary (2/5/21)
GWP Critique

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer 1/18/21 Video on 2020 Election

DOMINION: Eric Coomer Allegedly Bragged He ‘Made F**king Sure’ That ‘Trump’s Not Gonna Win’
 A conference call attendee alleges that Dominion’s Eric Coomer made some damning statements
National File, November 29, 2020

Prof David Clements, Law Professor, New Mexico State University,
Video On Election Fraud

The Professor's Record Website

WEiCU: Wash State Voting Machine Vulnerabilities

Gateway Pundit: The Five Most Obvious Acts of Fraud in the 2020 Election

Dr. Peter Navarro's Three Part Series: Immaculate Deception,
Art of the Steal and Yes, President Trump Won

2020 US Presidential Election Related Lawsuits

Epoch Times Infographic

"Drop and Roll" Explanation of Election Fraud

Epoch Times: Who Is Stealing America Documentary

Here Is The

Large-scale skewing of election results in favor of Joe Biden
In counties using Dominion Voting Systems

Antrim Co., Michigan Forensic Audit of
Dominion Voting Machines Report

Amistad Project: The Legitimacy and Effect of Private Funding
in Federal and State Electoral Processes

Judicial Watch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States
With Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100%

Patrick Byrne's video Evidence Grows: ’20 Election Was Rigged

Georgia Judiciary Committee

Five States And The Election Irregularities And Issues

Voter Integrity Project: Findings and Conclusions

Zuckerberg Election Meddling Exposed

Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020

Wash State Vote Systems

New Data From Rigorous Statistical Analysis
Points to Voter Fraud in Montgomery County, PA

2020 Election: Could Trump’s claims have merit?

Video: Election Night Errors - How Did That Happen?

 A Close Look At The Data - Arizona

 Georgia - A Close Look at the Data and Events
of the General Election - Chapter 1

Election Defense Task Force

Attkisson: A fairly complete list of some of the most
significant claims of 2020 election miscounts, errors or fraud

Skeptical of Voter Fraud in 2020? Here’s Your Evidence.

A Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with
Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election:
Georgia and Pennsylvania Data

Collection: Evidence Of 2020 Election Fraud

5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms

Joe Cheated.  Here's Proof

The Plot To Steal America

HBO's Kill Chain

HBO's Hacking Democracy

Counting Votes, New Yorker Mag, By Ronnie Dugger, October 30, 1988