Life Issues / Family Ethics Political Action Committee of Southwest Washington 

Mark Greene
Party of Commons
Washington Secretary Of State Candidate
Pro Life / Family Positions

Campaign Website    

LifePac Survey Response
June 27, 2008

Mr. Greene has responded to our survey with positions that correspond with LifePac's, but has declined to have them posted except for the following:

EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS: Unethical Embryo Research: --- The surge in interest among some scientists for embryonic stem cell research, not to be confused with other practically noncontroversial stem cell research, has become a big political debate. All human beings start out as embryos. To use embryos for scientific experimentation is immoral. Human beings are not conceived or should not be conceived for the purpose of scientific experimentation, regardless of utilitarian reasons. This is a resort to a baneful unenlightenment that is surely a step back from a respectful consciousness for life or for the dead that have been elements of fundamental human morality since time immemorial.

QUALIFICATIONS AND COMMENTS. Mark has been a student of politics since 1964 and understands well the intricacies of the political system. Mark has studied law in college and has received a degree in paralegal studies, started his own legal research business, and was nominated twice to be the Democratic Party candidate for U.S. Representative from the Alaska district in the years 2000 and 2002.